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  Our Story

Karen Franzone
Our New Proprietor & Tasting Room Host

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Rich & Dana - Our Wine Makers

Richard is a ‘real’ Meteorologist and Environmental Engineer, bitten by the 'weather 'bug when he was just a child. He brings a scientific mind to the grape growing and wine making process, always wanting to know how it all works from beginning to end without stopping to ask why or how. Dana is a nurse by day with a nurturing nature. Her never-ending dedication to quality and keen sense of marketing makes a perfect team with Richard.
So how did we come up with the name “Weathered Vineyards”? After spending a long time pondering this question, we considered using our initials: R&D Winery.  But who’d want to go to a winery where they do Research and Development?! Our next iteration came with "D&R Winery" but that was too much like DR as in 'doctor', so we went back to the drawing board. Then a stroke of genius! Dana suggested we call it Weathered Vineyards to capture both of Richard’s two passions in life: the weather and a vineyard. We quickly agreed, recognizing a good idea when he heard one! What better way to meet new people than to talk about the weather over a glass of wine?! Hence Weathered Vineyards was born. 


Check out the Winery's webiste:

Weathered Vineyards Ephrata 

900 W. Main Street

Ephrata, PA  17522

Tel:  (717) 271-7274

Tasting Room Hours:

Wednesday:   5:00 pm -  8:00 pm

Friday:         5:00 pm -  8:00 pm
Saturday:     12:00 pm -  8:00 pm
Sunday:        3:00 pm -  6:00 pm
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